Aggregate Pits
For information on which products are available at each pit please call Orders/Dispatch. We also have recycled product available at some locations. Click here, for help identifying common types of aggregate and their uses.
Osprey Quarry
794518 Grey Rd. 31
Singhampton, ON
794518 Grey Rd. 31
Singhampton, ON
Durham Pit
225 South St. E
Durham, ON
225 South St. E
Durham, ON
Feversham Pit
449082 10th Line
Osprey Township
449082 10th Line
Osprey Township
Cashtown Pit
6901 CR 9
Cashtown Corners
6901 CR 9
Cashtown Corners
Springwater Pit
Concession 2
Township of Flos
Concession 2
Township of Flos
Rocklyn Quarry
825725 Grey Rd 40
Meaford, ON
825725 Grey Rd 40
Meaford, ON
Bumstead Pit
584015 Side Road 60
Holland Center, ON
584015 Side Road 60
Holland Center, ON